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5 Reasons Why Kids Don't Return to a Church

Do you want to increase the return rate for first-time guests?

Here are 5 reasons why kids don't return to a church. Work on these areas and you'll see more of your guests return.

Bored. Plain and simple. The children's ministry was boring. There was no excitement and kids had to sit in a room and endure 45 to 60 minutes of monologue. There were no games. Kids heard "ssssshhhhh" a lot.

Bullied. Yes, bullying can take place at church. If a child is bullied, they will not want to return.

Lack of Engagement. Kids didn't hear anything that they could apply to their life. The teacher taught information without application.

No one took a personal interest in them. They didn't hear their name spoken. No one prayed for them personally. No one took the time to get to know them.

They didn't make a friend. Even in a crowd of kids, a new child can feel lonely. If they have no one to look forward to seeing next week, they will be hesitant about returning.

Here's a few examples and ideas of how to meet these needs.

Bring the energy and excitement. Make sure your large group teachers are outgoing and teach with excitement.

Keep a close tab for the kids before, during and after the services. Watch out for any bullying that rears its mean head.

Make sure your lessons are engaging. Let kids learn the way they learn best. Talking. Interacting. Hands on. Experiential.

Make sure your small group leaders / Sunday school teachers personally welcome new children and say their name. Also ask them to take prayer requests and pray for the childrens' needs.

Build a team of kids who serve by welcoming new kids and being their friend for the entire service. Do icebreakers that give kids the opportunity to get to know the other children.


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