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3 Ingredients From Disney For Making Exciting Moments

Recently Tom Craven, long-time designer for Walt Disney World productions, shared 3 keys to making exciting moments and environments for kids and parents.

Tom was the leader of productions such as the Electrical Water Pageant, the Main Street Electrical Parade, the Epcot Center Lagoon Show and other creative projects at Disney.  

He also played a big role in the design, construction and grand opening of Walt Disney World, Epcot Center, Disney Studios, Tokyo Disneyland and Disneyland Paris. 

In this talk, Tom shared 3 keys to creating exciting moments and environments.

Here are a few notes that I took while watching this.  I would encourage you to watch it below.  You'll get lots of ideas from his talk. 

#1 - Inspiration.

  • inspiration can come from anywhere 

  • spread your net wider than your own circle

#2 - Creativity

  • it is a team effort

  • it is not the domain of a single individual

#3 - Faith

  • believe in your team members

  • trust your team members

Do you have our book "If Disney Ran Your Children's Ministry?"  It's a must read for children's ministry leaders. It's available at this link.  

You can also get a recorded copy of our "If Disney Ran Your Children's Ministry" webinar. In the webinar, we share more proven ideas how you can make your children's ministry "the place for kids" in your community.  It's available at this link.

p.s. If you can't see the teaching video below, it is available at this link.


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