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You Are More Valuable Than You Know

One of my wife's hobbies is buying items locally and then selling it on Ebay for a profit.

She especially likes to find items that are discounted. Last week she found a small statue of two horses. It was $5. She took it home and listed it for sale on Ebay. Just a few hours later, it sold for $75.

The people who sold it to her didn't realize how valuable it really was. They looked at it as a cheap item to get rid of.

But it was worth far much more.

I say that to tell you this. I have a message for you.


Perhaps you heard the words "You are dumb!" No, you aren't dumb - you are more valuable than you know.

Perhaps you were belittled by someone at school as a kid and after all these years, it still haunts you. You are nothing like what that person said. You are more valuable than you know.

Perhaps you have felt unworthy...unable to accomplish anything...feeling like a failure. No you aren't - you are more valuable than you know.

Perhaps your self-esteem has been shattered. You are more valuable than you know.

Perhaps you have pulled back from Jesus. You don't spend time with Him like you used to. You don't read this Word consistently. He's wants to draw you back close to His side. Why? Because you are more valuable than you know.

Or maybe you were fired from a job. It was humiliating and it cut you deeply. Wait a minute. You don't need to feel like that. You are more valuable than you know.

God values you so much that He gave His Son to die on the cross for you.

You could put all the riches, cars, houses, bank accounts and fame on one side of God's scales and on the other side put you - and God says you are more valuable than all the riches and fame of the world.

In Matthew 10, Jesus says this...

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny. And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."

Walk in this promise today. You are more valuable than you know. Don't let anyone or anything convince you otherwise.

God said it and that settles it. You are more valuable than you know.

Even though the person who sold us the horse only saw $5, we saw that is more valuable than that.

People will put cheap "values" on you at times. Ignore it. You are more valuable than that...far more valuable.

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