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Yesterday I spoke at a church and shared a talk about "MORE." As a children's ministry leader, I thought it would helpful for you as well, so let's look at the main points. We find the word "More" in Ephesians 4:20. "Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely MORE than we might ask or think." Paul was writing back to the church at Ephesus. They had seen God do great things when Paul was with them a few years earlier. Ephesus was a major center of false gods in that day. People came there from all over the world to indulge themselves in the temples and sinful practices associated with that. Inspite of all of the false religions and sin, God had worked mightily through Paul and the other believers who ministered there. The Word of God grew and people's lives were being changed through the power of the Holy Spirit. This did not set well with the people who were making money at the false temples. As people turned to Christ, they had no further interest in the trinkets and souvenirs that were being sold at the temples. The people who where making bank off the sale of the false idols, started a riot and ran Paul out of town. Paul is writing back to the church at Ephesus and encouraging them to stay faithful. Even as they had seen God do great things in the past, the best was yet to come. They could see God do even more if they followed His will. Paul shared with them 4 keys to seeing God do even more and they are found in verse 20. If they wanted to see God do more, it would start by Him doing more WITHIN THEM. "Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work WITHIN US to accomplish infinitely MORE than we might ask or think." vs. 20

  • If we want to see God do more, we must be willing to surrender to His will.

  • If we want to see God do more, we must be willing to sacrifice what He asks for.

  • If we want to see God do more, we must be willing to serve others.

You see, before God does something through you, He must first do a work within you. Full things fill things. As you allow Him to do more within you, it will spill out to those around you. The second thing is this. If they wanted to see God do more, they needed to rely upon His POWER. "Now all glory to God, who is able, through HIS MIGHTY POWER at work within us to accomplish infinitely MORE than we might ask or think." God has the power to make more happen. The word power there is from the Greek word "dunamis" which means powerful or "dynamite." Paul is an example of this. Check this verse out. "For when we brought you the Good News, it was not only with words but also with POWER, for the Holy Spirit gave you full assurance that what we said was true. I Thessalonians 1:5 Paul saw MORE happen because He spent time asking the Holy Spirit to anoint him and fill Him with supernatural power. The good news is this - the same power that was available to Paul, is available to you and I. The third thing is this. If they wanted to see God do more, they needed to PRAY more. "Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely MORE than we might ASK or think." You see, nothing of eternal value happens without prayer. We don't have more because we don't ask for more. All mighty works of God start with prayer.

  • Find a special time you will meet with God in prayer.

  • Find a special place where you will meet with God in prayer.

  • Have a special plan when you talk with God.

Many times we don't see God do more because we didn't spend enough time praying to Him and asking Him to move in a powerful and life-changing way. Pray, pray, pray and you will see God do more. And the fourth thing we must do if we want to see God do more, is to get a big VISION. "Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely MORE than we might ask or THINK." Great things happen when you get a big vision from God and you pursue that vision. What is the dream God has placed in your heart? What is the step of faith you've been hesitant to take? What call of God have you pushed down because of fear? Joseph is a great example of this. God placed a vision in his heart to be a powerful leader. He was misunderstood. He was ridiculed. He faced opposition, but He didn't let that stop him from pursuing the vision. Jealousy didn't stop him. Being betrayed by his family didn't stop him. Being thrown in a pit didn't stop him. Being sold as a slave didn't stop him. Being lied about and put in prison didn't stop Him. Don't give up on your dream. Pursue it. Believe in it. Ask God to make it a reality. I believe God has so much more for you and your ministry. Now is not the time to be complacent. Now is not the time to give up. Now is not the time to get discouraged. Now is not the time to "retire." God is at work. He has more waiting for you. Let Him do more within you. Ask Him to do more through you. Walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. Get a vision from God and pursue it. When you do these things you will see God do MORE than you could ever think of.

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